Rees Double Harps
Rees builds a double harp version of most of our Rees Concert Line Harps. These doubles are the same size as their single course counterparts though they weigh more because of the additional hardware (pins, levers, strings etcetera). They can also do a great deal more. Because there are two parallel courses of strings each hand (treble and bass) have access to all of the octaves and the ability to play directly across from one another within the same octave. This allows for all kinds of new and interesting arrangements for even the most common compositions. Rees Double Concert Line Harps all now come with full sharping on both sides so players can play in alternate tunings or add accidentals to one side and not the other alleviating the need to lever in the middle of a piece. Especially accomplished double harp players can even play chromatically. Perhaps the most fun aspect of playing a double harp are the echo and tremolo effects made possible by doubled strings. The extraordinary harper Laurie Riley has a terrific, detailed video introduction to double harps here. In the video Laurie is playing her Rees Double Aberdeen Meadows Concert Line Harp (discontinued model) and her Double Shaylee Concert Line harp. For a demonstration of a smaller double harp, harper Martha Graham plays her Rees Double Morgan Meghan here. And, in yet another video which may be useful as you consider a double harp, harper Peter Sterling is walking and playing his Rees Double Morgan Meghan here.
The base price for a Rees Double Harp depends upon the model. We require 25% of your initial order at the time the order is placed. Should you wish to add ornamentation to your harp, we have both our exceptional standard ornamentation or, if you a ready for something truly extraordinary, our custom ornamentation. If you would like your harp to be made out of luscious flamed maple, we can do that too! Like all Rees Concert Line Harps, our double harps include a lifetime warranty. Prior to ordering any Rees harp please carefully read our Terms and Conditions and our Ordering FAQ page.

Rees Double Harp Audio Clips
Darlene Walton: website
Cynthia Shelhart: website
Verlene Schermer: website
Many people request a clip of the harp being played. We are happy to provide one but with this basic understanding: any harp will only sound as good as the speakers and the bass and treble pre-sets of your computer. In other words, in many ways our harp will sound like your computer. Additionally, you have no way to compare one harp to another via Mp3 because you have no control over the recording conditions and variables.
To see additional photos of each model, hover over the photo below click on “Quick View” and then “View Full Item.”
Dr. Laurence Furr at a music therapy conference with his walnut Double Morgan Meadows Harp.
Double harp aficionado, Laurie Riley with her Double Shaylee Meadows Harp.